The Inventions of Leonardi Davinci.

By Charles Gibbs-Smith

ISBN: 9780907408994

Printed: 1978

Publisher: Book Club Associates.

Edition: First edition

Dimensions 23 × 29 × 3 cm

Language: English

Size (cminches): 23 x 29 x 3

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In the original dustsheet. Orange cloth binding with gilt title on the spine.

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As an inventor Leonardo was an astonishing genius. Although he lived over 450 years ago, he foresaw the coming of advanced technology and filled his notebooks with thousands of drawings for new machines and weapons to suit modern age. We see him designing armored tanks, steam guns, ballistic missiles, flying machines, parachutes, helicopters, underwater diving suits, water turbines, movable cranes, lifting jacks, gearboxes and many other inventions that were ahead of his time. Each of the inventions is a continuous source of wonder and excitement, displaying both Leonardo’s awesome intelligence and his incredible vision of the future.

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