The Illustrated History of the Russo-Turkish War. Vols. I & II.

By Edmund Ollier

Printed: Circa1890

Publisher: Cassell Petter & Co. London

Dimensions 20 × 26 × 4 cm

Language: English

Size (cminches): 20 x 26 x 4

Condition: Very good  (See explanation of ratings)

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Tan leather spine with red title plate,gilt banding and title. Brown textured boards. Dimensions are for one volume.

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             A very nice two volume history first published circa 1890

The Russo-Turkish War was a conflict between the Ottoman Empire and a coalition led by the Russian Empire which included Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro. Fought in the Balkans and in the Caucasus, it originated in emerging 19th-century Balkan nationalism. Additional factors included the Russian goals of recovering territorial losses endured during the Crimean War of 1853–1856, re-establishing itself in the Black Sea and supporting the political movement attempting to free Balkan nations from the Ottoman Empire.

The Russian-led coalition won the war, pushing the Ottomans back all the way to the gates of Constantinople, leading to the intervention of the western European great powers. As a result, Russia succeeded in claiming provinces in the Caucasus, namely Kars and Batum, and also annexed the Budjak region. The principalities of Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro, each of which had had de facto sovereignty for some years, formally proclaimed independence from the Ottoman Empire. After almost five centuries of Ottoman domination (1396–1878), Bulgaria emerged as an autonomous state with support and military intervention from Russia.

Condition notes

Spine leather worn. Some foxing

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