The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Rifles and Machine Guns.

By Will Fowler & Patrick Sweeney

ISBN: 9781572154414

Printed: 2012

Publisher: Lorenz Books.Wigston

Dimensions 23 × 29 × 2.5 cm

Language: English

Size (cminches): 23 x 29 x 2.5

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In the original dustsheet. Binding the same as the cover.

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As a former munitions manufacturer, I find this a most fascinating book. That said, my conscience took me to the Faculty of Divinity at New College where I found a more satisfying world – Martin Frost

An illustrated historical reference to over 500 military, law enforcement and antique firearms from around the world. Includes a fascinating history of the origins of rifles from the 18th century, manual and automatic machine guns, a comprehensive directory of weapons, full technical specifications, and illustrated with more than 600 photographs.

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