The Book of the Cat.

By Angus Hyland & Caroline Roberts

Printed: 2019

Publisher: Laurence King Publishing. London

Edition: Reprint

Dimensions 15 × 20 × 1.5 cm

Language: English

Size (cminches): 15 x 20 x 1.5

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Softback. White front board with black title and grey cat drawing.

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A very detailed cat book that covers everything you ever wanted to learn about our lord and saviour, the cat…! Y’all must know I am a sucker for anything cat related, AND if it’s a book, that’s twice as good. It covers kitty topics such as different health care, feeding, grooming, care of a sick cat, first aid, cat breeding, cat showing, kittenhood, and also a detailed history.
Lots of cat pictures to drool over. Although published in 1980 it is still a welcome addition, to my “feline-brary” at least…!

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