The Book of Fans.

By Nancy Armstrong

ISBN: 9780904681963

Printed: 1978

Publisher: Mayflower Books. New York

Dimensions 24 × 33 × 2 cm

Language: English

Size (cminches): 24 x 33 x 2

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In the original dustsheet. Navy cloth binding with silver title on the spine.

  • F.B.A. provides an in-depth photographic presentation of this item to stimulate your feeling and touch. More traditional book descriptions are immediately available.

The Book of Fans by Nancy Armstrong. English language hardcover edition published by Mayflower Books. Wonderful volume if you are interested in hand fans. The color photos are just beautiful and there is a chapter on repairing. Very pleased with this.

Review: This is the first book a collector should buy. This book has the best repair information and great general information

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