The Bible in Stained Glass.

ISBN: 9780564071357

Printed: 1990

Publisher: Bible Society. London

Dimensions 24 × 31 × 2 cm

Language: English

Size (cminches): 24 x 31 x 2

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In the original dustsheet. Black cloth binding with gilt title on the spine.

  • F.B.A. provides an in-depth photographic presentation of this item to stimulate your feeling and touch. More traditional book descriptions are immediately available.

  • A treasury of beautiful photographs of Europe’s finest stained-glass windows illustrates the major stories of the Old and New Testaments, from the Creation in Genesis to the Apocalypse in Revelation, with accompanying related text from the lyrical King James version of the Bible, as well as full descriptions of the windows’ art and icons.

A very large, very heavy, sturdy book, quality black cloth, very bright gilt lettering on spine, purple color inside covers and adjacent end papers, 160 very heavy glossy pages, stunning color photographs throughout.

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