Secrets of Angels & Demons.

By Dan Burstein & Arne de Keijzer

ISBN: 9780786745517

Printed: 2004

Publisher: CDS Books. New York

Dimensions 17 × 24 × 4 cm

Language: English

Size (cminches): 17 x 24 x 4

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In the original dustsheet. Black spine with silver title. Orange boards.

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                                   An unusual reference book!

Presents a series of essays which critique the bestselling novel “Angels & Demons,” examining various elements of the story to separate fictitious literary creations from historical facts of Christianity during the Baroque era.

Review: The wide variety of viewpoints from numerous scholars was refreshing and informative. They clarified numerous ‘facts’ that had been (mildly) distorted by Dan Brown’s novel. The book could stand on its own as a good read.

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