Keeping African Grey Parrots.

By David Alderton

ISBN: 9780866229579

Printed: 1995

Publisher: TFH Publications.

Dimensions 18 × 26 × 2 cm

Language: English

Size (cminches): 18 x 26 x 2

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Glossy green and white board binding with title and parrot on front board.

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Keeping African Grey Parrots is an excellent, beautifully illustrated book useful as an introduction to grey parrots for the novice, and for the lightly experienced Birdkeeper interested in breeding these most intelligent birds. While living in Egypt I had two grey parrots that provided hours of entertainment and were fabulous companions. One of the two used to yell “Goal” every time I tossed a ball for our yorkie to fetch. But I digress. This 114-page book by Dave Alderton has the ASPCA Seal of Approval on the front cover, so you can trust the advice provided is consistent with good, safe, healthy and humane. As I stated, the various aspects of African Grey needs are discussed, and well-illustrated with color photographs, but the level of detail is not particularly deep. So far, though, I’ve not found any source of information on these critters that deals any more deeply with issues such as housing, feeding, and breeding, so, I’m afraid, this is the best specific book on these issues. I sure wish, though, some writer would come forth with a book for commercial parrot keeping. Certainly there is a market for an ebook to discuss the possibilities. Until that dream book is published, however, I recommend, with five stars, anybody interested in keeping African Greyson, buy Keeping African Grey Parrots (Ts-111). The best book I have found on making the most intelligent parrot a member of your family.

Review: It is very informative and has many coloured pictures, it is one of the best books on African Greys I have read.

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