How to Read Karl Barth.

By George Hunsinger

ISBN: 9780190282080

Printed: 1993

Publisher: Oxford University Press. London

Dimensions 15 × 21 × 3 cm

Language: Not stated

Size (cminches): 15 x 21 x 3

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Softback. Glossy green cover with orange and white title on the spine and front board.

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A very solid and clean book

This critical study decodes the most cryptic and elusive patterns of Karl Barth’s dialectic. Hunsinger not only offers a new and authoritative interpretation of Barth’s mature theology, but also places Barth’s work in relation to contemporary discussions of truth, justified belief, double agency, and religious pluralism. Through a fresh and compelling reading of Church Dogmatics, Hunsinger offers a new account of the coherence of that work as a whole.

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