British Isles. A Natural History.

By Alan Titchmarsh

ISBN: 9781448140558

Printed: 2004

Publisher: BBC Books. London

Dimensions 23 × 28 × 3 cm

Language: English

Size (cminches): 23 x 28 x 3

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In the original dustsheet. Purple cloth binding with silver title on the spine.

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Accompanying a major new BBC1 series presented by Alan Titchmarsh, British Isles: A Natural History is a fascinating journey through the natural history of Britain from its birth to the present day. Written in Alan’s uniquely readable style, the book chronicles the different periods in Britain’s evolution, exploring everything from the geology and geography to the flora and fauna that make up the diverse landscapes of the British Isles. It also includes a gazetteer section detailing where you can explore Britain’s natural treasures. Beautifully illustrated with 180 colour photographs, it will appeal to natural history enthusiasts and everyone who cares about the country they live in. The book contains the latest research gathered in the making of this new landmark series from the BBC’s NHU in Bristol.

Alan Titchmarsh is a bestselling BBC author and has sold over a million copies of his books which include How To Be A Gardener 1 and 2 and Royal Gardeners.

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