British Fish and Fisheries.

Printed: Circa 1900

Publisher: The Religious Tract Society. London

Edition: First edition

Dimensions 10 × 15 × 2 cm

Language: English

Size (cminches): 10 x 15 x 2

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Grey cloth binding with gilt title on the spine. All edges gilt.

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In 2015, EU vessels caught 683,000 tonnes (raising £484 in million revenue) in UK waters, but UK vessels caught only 111,000 tonnes (£114 million revenue) in EU Member States’ waters.

In 2019, British vessels caught 502,000 tonnes of fish, worth around £850m, inside UK waters. The document also sets out details of how each species of fish will be shared out between the UK and the EU during the transition. The UK fleet can expect increases in quota for 57 out of the 90 types of fish caught in UK waters every year.

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