Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs Illustrated.

By Trevor Naylor

ISBN: 9781838863234

Printed: 2023

Publisher: Amber Books. London

Dimensions 20 × 27 × 3 cm

Language: English

Size (cminches): 20 x 27 x 3

Condition: As new  (See explanation of ratings)

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Black cloth board bound in the traditional Chinese style. Gilt title on the front board. Gold cord tied spine.

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The Ancient Egyptians used a hieroglyphic writing system that still resonates today for its graphic representation of things, people, pharaohs and concepts. These hieroglyphics were discovered by adventurers and archeologists in temples, tombs and on papyrus documents, telling of the everyday life, religion and history of this 5,000-year-old civilization. Some of the symbols were simple but represented something with a wider significance, such as the eye of Horus; other logographs might represent an animal, such as a snake, elephant or lion; while others, such as the Ba symbol of a bird with a human head, represented the human soul with the ability to travel to the afterlife using wings. In Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics Illustrated, explore the logograms for popular concepts such as ‘sun’, ‘house’ and ‘mountain’, as well as more complex ideas such as Ajet, or ‘sun rising over mountains’; marvel at Tutankhamun’s full name as marked on his tomb, which is portrayed using a reed, a wave of water, a falcon, an ankh symbol, and a series of staffs; learn about the two outstretched arms of the Ka symbol, which represents the mortal life and soul of a person; and wonder at the Ouroboros, a symbol that shows a snake-like animal that swallows its own tail, representing eternal struggle. Each of more than 150 entries includes a description of the written form and an explanation of its meaning. Presented in a high-quality Chinese-bound format with accompanying illustrations, Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics Illustrated provides a compact, easy-to-understand introduction to the writing system of Ancient Egypt.

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