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We offer an unconditional guarantee of every item's authenticity and completeness as it is described on our website. If any item is not as described, we will provide a full refund and pay for the return postage.
If you decide you do not want an item you have purchased from us, you can return it within 14 days at your own cost for a full refund of the original purchase price.
We strive to be as accurate and detailed as possible when creating item descriptions. Books are graded on the published commonly accepted terms used by international sellers which you can view here. If you would like extra photographs or information on a specific item, please contact us.
We have many decades of experience in buying and selling rare and valuable books and artifacts. We observe the highest professional and ethical standards in order to build the trust and respect that is necessary between us and our valued customers.
We strive to be as accurate and detailed as possible when creating item descriptions. Books are graded on the published commonly accepted terms used by international sellers which you can view here. If you would like extra photographs or information on a specific item, please contact us.
We have many decades of experience in buying and selling rare and valuable books and artifacts. We observe the highest professional and ethical standards in order to build the trust and respect that is necessary between us and our valued customers.

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