We have endeavoured to source the best value carriers available. When entering your shipping address, you will be presented with one or more shipping options. Please select the option you prefer.
For some items and for delivery to some countries, options may be limited by the carriers available to us. We will ensure that items are covered by appropriate insurance in case of damage or loss in transit.
In some cases, express delivery may be available. If you have special delivery requirements, please contact us by email on to discuss these in advance.
Please open and inspect your package as soon as it arrives, to ensure it has arrived safely. Any damage that has occured during transit must be reported to us within 24 hours of delivery. Please open and inspect your package as soon as it arrives, to ensure it has arrived safely.
For some items and for delivery to some countries, options may be limited by the carriers available to us. We will ensure that items are covered by appropriate insurance in case of damage or loss in transit.
In some cases, express delivery may be available. If you have special delivery requirements, please contact us by email on to discuss these in advance.
Please open and inspect your package as soon as it arrives, to ensure it has arrived safely. Any damage that has occured during transit must be reported to us within 24 hours of delivery. Please open and inspect your package as soon as it arrives, to ensure it has arrived safely.
FREE delivery on ALL orders to the UK and Ireland
FREE worldwide delivery on all orders of ยฃ150 and over
Products must be returned to our returns department within 14 days of the delivery date and in its original condition for a full refund.
Frost Books & Artifacts will cover the cost of the return of any items that are not as described on our website. For all other items, the customer is expected to deliver the item back to us at their own expense and with appropriate insurance cover.
Refunds will be limited to the original purchase price paid. The sum will be refunded to the same credit or debit card account used to make the initial payment. If the customer paid in cash and is unable to visit our premises in Scarborough, suitable arrangements will be made to refund at the convenience of the customer.
Upon receipt of the returned item, we will immediately make arrangements to process the refund. This will normally take between three and five working days to clear. Please ensure your name/order number is included with your return or insert paperwork if available.
The returns address is as follows:
Frost Books & Artifacts,
36 Bar Street,
North Yorkshire,
YO11 2HT,
If you have any other questions regarding returns, please email us at
Frost Books & Artifacts will cover the cost of the return of any items that are not as described on our website. For all other items, the customer is expected to deliver the item back to us at their own expense and with appropriate insurance cover.
Refunds will be limited to the original purchase price paid. The sum will be refunded to the same credit or debit card account used to make the initial payment. If the customer paid in cash and is unable to visit our premises in Scarborough, suitable arrangements will be made to refund at the convenience of the customer.
Upon receipt of the returned item, we will immediately make arrangements to process the refund. This will normally take between three and five working days to clear. Please ensure your name/order number is included with your return or insert paperwork if available.
The returns address is as follows:
Frost Books & Artifacts,
36 Bar Street,
North Yorkshire,
YO11 2HT,
If you have any other questions regarding returns, please email us at
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